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By: lexilove.com via PR Newswire San Francisco, Sept. 18, 2018
"SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- lexilove.com, a specialty forum devoted to futuristic and emerging technology topics, invites science-fiction enthusiasts, leaders and citizens' to reflect on the impact emerging technologies may have on our future by participating in ProjectEm. ProjectEM blurs the line between physical and virtual universes, tackles such topics as identity crisis and adaptation to living in a digital world, along with our ability to shape a better future through our use of emerging technologies.
After reading The Age of Em: Work, Love and Life when Robots Rule the Earth by Robin Hanson, Love's creator was compelled to redefine the characterization of Lexi Love to raise awareness about emerging technologies and encourage everyone to share their diverse perspectives on topics such as; What does our future life as humans resemble? How will humans behave if they achieve a lifelong legacy in a digital space? How will automation, algorithms, and robots affect economic, environmental, political and societal freedoms? What ethical policies will need to be developed to ensure humans are not exploited during this time of technological advancements? Will humans and robots be able to coexist in harmony? How will human (and animal) brains function after they have been uploaded into a digital space? What will humans do in a world where robots rule not just on Earth but in a universe currently expanding beyond our solar system into the cosmos?
Project EM invites futurist, artists, writers, illustrators, songwriters, educators, students, podcasters, producers, and everyone interested in the future of human existence to participate in Project Em by visiting lexilove.com/project-em and following the directions for collaboration. Once a work has been submitted and reviewed to ensure its aligned with the goals of the project, the author will receive a notification that their submission has been approved to be published on lexilove.com.
"We do not yet know how the future will unfold," adds Love's creator. "We will either set the canvas for a future of our nightmares, laden with the biases and fears of today built directly into the infrastructure, or we will shape a future filled with wonder, eloquence, grace and adventure for all to embrace and enjoy."
2024 update: the links in this article are no longer in service.
The original article may be found at: https://web.archive.org/web/20190331204750/https://finance.yahoo.com/news/lexilove-com-launches-project-em-121700232.html
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